If you have a piece of furniture you no longer wish to keep, please advertise on the Staff Yammer Noticeboard or Birkbeck intranet with a clear description of the item, its condition, location, and who to contact for collection.
If there is no interest, please contact Marianna Muszynska (Sustainability Officer) who can arrange a free collection from the British Heart Foundation.
Lab Equipment
If you have lab equipment that is no longer of use, please notify Tien-Chye Tan (Laboratory Manager) who will advertise to others.
If there is still no interest, the University is partnered with UniGreenScheme, who collect, store and reuse unwanted lab equipment free of charge.
For a full list of the item categories they accept please click here.
There is a stationary donation box located at the Birkbeck Library welcome desk on the ground floor of Malet building that staff and students are welcome to use.
If there is a large quantity of items you are donating, please also advertise through the Staff Yammer Noticeboard.
If you have a piece of furniture you no longer wish to keep, please advertise on the LSHTM intranet with a clear description of the item, its condition, location, and who to contact for collection.
If there is no interest, please contact Marianna Muszynska (Sustainability Officer) who can arrange a free collection from the British Heart Foundation.
Lab consumables
If you have lab items to share that are not pieces of equipment, chemicals, reagents, or kits, please notify Gisela Lourenco Henriques who will advertise to others via the Swap Shop.
Lab chemicals
If you have chemicals that are no longer of use, please notify Andrew Davies who can add them to the School's Chemical Sharing document which is advertised in the monthly Labs Bulletin.
Lab equipment
The University is partnered with UniGreenScheme, who collect, store and reuse unwanted lab equipment free of charge. For a full list of the item categories they accept please click here.
Please contact Joanna Houghton who can organise the request with UGS.
Click here for more information on Sustainable Laboratories at LSHTM.
If you have a piece of furniture you no longer wish to keep, please contact SOAS Estates Services with a clear description of the item, its condition, location, and who to contact for collection.
If there is no interest, please contact Marianna Muszynska (Sustainability Officer) who can arrange a free collection from the British Heart Foundation.