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Sustainability modules

Sustainability   in dissertations

Sustainability is now an important aspect being adopted across University institutions globally. Many sectors are now seeking graduates who are aware of the sustainability challenges we face both now and in the future, and how they relate to students' chosen field of study. 


Sustainability is a broad inter-disciplinary subject area which not only covers environmental aspects such as; carbon reduction, waste and recycling, travel, procurement, and biodiversity, but also social and economic aspects like; gender equality, health, education, labour rights, community development, and circular economy approaches.   


LSHTM's uniquely specialised postgraduate offering is already covering elements of sustainability in the vast majority of their courses. There are more specific 



SHEFS is a cross-institution research partnership, funded by the Welcome Trust, to provide policy makers with novel, interdisciplinary evidence to define future food systems policies that deliver nutritious and healthy foods in an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable manner. 


LSHTM team members include: 


Professor Alan Dangour, Principal Investigator

Professor Andy Haines, Co-Investigator

Dr Cecile Knai, Co-Investigator


Visit the SHEFS website for more information -

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- The Sustainability Team

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