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Easter Switch Off

In line with the Bloomsbury College's Carbon Management Plan, we are encouraging all staff to start planning for the Easter switch off. The aim is to turn off as much unneeded equipment as possible from the dates the colleges will be closed from:
Birkbeck - 18th – 23rd April
SOAS - 18th - 22nd April
LSHTM - 19th - 23rd April
Everyone, don't forget to...
Switch off all the lights
Switch off all non-essential equipment (printers, PCs, photocopiers, monitors, etc...)
Close all of the doors and windows
Switch off your kitchen hot-water boiler (if you have one) and empty/defrost the fridge
Turn down the heating (where possible and if it is your responsibility)
If you work in a lab...
Switch off any;
- chillers
- water-cooled processes
- ovens
- hot plates
- autoclaves
- shakers
- fume cupboards (where possible), ensuring the sash is closed
- and centrifuges -
Tidy your bench and fume cupboards
Dispose of your waste correctly
Defrost or de-ice fridges/freezers and clean the filters & heat exchanges
For more information on how you can maximise energy efficiency in your area CLICK HERE.
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